Every face is unique, and every face deserves custom brows. Working with a microblading professional ensures that your eyebrows bring symmetry to your face as well as highlight your natural tones and beauty. After microblading, you'll feel composed and ready for the world with minimal effort every day. 

Wake up with perfect brows




Microblading is a technique for naturally enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows. Pigment is deposited into the skin in fine strokes resembling hair using a sterile micro-needle. This service is best for those with normal to slightly dry skin. This method is not suited for oilier skin types, or those with sensitive or porous/textured skin in the brow area as the natural oils in the skin can cause the pigment to blur together.


microblading + shading

powder/ombre brows



microblading + shading

Combining microblading and shading gives you the best of both worlds—the natural look of microblading with a little more definition. Microblading is first completed throughout the brow. Shading is a technique to create a more dense, three dimensional look. Shading is performed using a traditional tattoo machine and a sterile single-use needle cartridge that deposits tiny pixels into the skin between the microbladed hairstrokes to create more density. This is a great option for many including those who fill in their brows on a daily basis, those with little to no eyebrow hair, those with very little but dark eyebrow hair to blend their new shape into their natural brow, or those with naturally dense/coarse brow hairs. 


microblading + shading

powder/ombre brows




microblading + shading

powder/ombre brows

Microblading + shading




microblading + shading

powder/ombre brows

powder/ombre brows

Powder brows are great for clients who prefer more definition than what hair strokes provide. It is performed using a traditional tattoo machine that inserts tiny pixels into the skin using a sterile single-use needle cartridge to create a soft “powdery” effect that mimics the look of an eyebrow powder. The tails of the brow are darker and fade to a lighter softer look toward the beginning of the brow. This is a great technique for clients with naturally full brows to start with but want to skip filling them in. This technique is also great for clients with oily or sensitive skin.




microblading + shading

powder/ombre brows

powder/ombre brows

Frequently Asked Questions

Microblading is a technique for naturally enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows. Pigment is deposited into the skin in fine strokes resembling hair using a sterile micro-needle. This service is best for those with normal to slightly dry skin. This method is not suited for oilier skin types, or those with sensitive or porous/textured skin in the brow area as the natural oils in the skin can cause the pigment to blur together.

Combining microblading and shading gives you the best of both worlds—the natural look of microblading with a more definition. Microblading is first completed throughout the brow. Shading is a technique to create a more density and a three dimensional look. Shading is performed using a traditional tattoo machine and a sterile single-use needle cartridge that deposits tiny pixels into the skin between the microbladed hairstrokes to create more density. This is a great option for many including those who fill in their brows on a daily basis, those with little to no eyebrow hair, those with very little but dark eyebrow hair to blend their new shape into their natural brow, or those with naturally dense/coarse brow hairs.  This is a combination that can be adjusted and customized during your appointment to achieve your dream brows!

Powder brows are great for clients who prefer more definition than what hair strokes (microblading)  provide. It is performed using a traditional tattoo machine that inserts tiny pixels into the skin using a sterile single-use needle cartridge to create a soft “powdery” effect that mimics the look of an eyebrow powder. The tails of the brow are darker and fade to a lighter softer look toward the beginning of the brow. This is a great technique for clients with naturally full brows to start with but want to skip filling them in. This is a great option for all skin types and heals very soft and beautiful!

Cosmetic tattooing is designed to fade over time. Microblading typically requires maintenance between 1 to 3 years. Factors such as skin type, lifestyle, age, metabolism, medications, sun exposure, and how well pre-care + aftercare instructions are followed can affect the longevity of the tattoo. Touch ups are normal and expected for permanent cosmetics. Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates.

Healing can take anywhere from 7-14 days. In the hours following your procedure your brows will appear much darker than how they will heal due to oxidation in the surface layer of your skin as scabs begin to form. Your brows may also appear warmer in color. RESIST THE URGE TO PICK! Doing so can result in loss of pigment in those areas. These scabs need to fall off naturally in order to achieve desired results. Your brows may then look very light or spotty for a few days (we promise, your beautiful new brows did not disappear!). 

At 4-6 weeks your brows will be fully healed. It’s normal for 30%-50% of the pigment to disappear. Whatever pigment that does not return will be addressed at your touch up. You should have a touch-up appointment scheduled with your artist 8-12 weeks after your initial procedure in order to go over the lighter areas, or if you’d prefer darker, bolder brows we can always add more color or dimension during that appointment!

You can not receive permanent makeup if you are:

• Pregnant or nursing
• Currently using Accutaine or have used accutane within the last 12 months
• Have a freshly tanned/sunburned face
• Are on blood thinning medications or antibiotics
• Have rosacea 
• Are currently undergoing cancer treatment
•  Must be off chemo or radiation for 6 months 
•  Have a history of Keloids or Hypertrophic scarring
•  Recent botox (must wait 3 weeks)

Topical 5% lidocaine is used to make you comfortable during your cosmetic tattooing. 

Microblading is not recommended while breastfeeding, as fluctuating hormones can affect the skin's ability to retain pigmentation. We also use topical anesthetics that can enter the blood stream during the procedure. Although microblading is a safe and low risk procedure, for your own safety and peace of mind, we will not tattoo any clients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Consultation: All services start with a consultation where we discuss your brow goals, analyze your skin and natural brows, and make recommendations on which technique would be best and produce the best results for every client.

Shaping: One size does not fit all. All of our sessions include brow mapping where we take into account our clients natural bone structure and natural eyebrow, measure for symmetry, and create a custom shape that we think enhances our clients natural features and meets their brow goals. This part is the most important to us, and we won’t start until our clients are in love with the shape we create.

Numbing: Clients often ask if it’s painful, but we apply a topical anesthetic to the area to be tattooed, and you are completely numb for the most uncomfortable part of the process.

Performing the microblading / powder service: Depending on which service is selected, we will custom mix a color that matches our client’s natural brow color (unless we decide together that we want to make some modifications), and the actual cosmetic tattoo procedure starts. Microblading is done with a manual tool where we create strokes to simulate the appearance of natural hairs. Powder and shading techniques are performed with a tattoo machine using a tiny single needle to create a soft pixelated effect.

Wrap up: We will go over your aftercare kit and instructions, answer any questions you have, and get your perfecting touch up appointment scheduled. 

We require that anyone who has had previous work on their brows by another artist send pictures for approval before booking an appointment. This way we can discuss your options, schedule sufficient time, and discuss price. Any client coming to us from a different artist is considered a new client with initial pricing.

The purpose of cosmetic tattooing is to enhance the natural features of a client. Cosmetic tattooing is softer and more subtle – it is meant to be a natural-looking enhancement. Body tattoos use ink while cosmetic tattoo procedures involve pigments. These pigments are designed to gently fade over time. Fading is desired as it allows the artist to make changes to colour and shape over the years as client’s natural colouration and facial changes occur.

• Do not consume alcohol, caffeine or blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, Niacin, fish/primrose oil) 24 hours before your procedure to avoid excess bleeding.

• If you have reference pictures please feel free to bring those to your appointment.

• Avoid the following facial procedures 3 to 4 weeks before: 
• Botox and fillers

• Chemical peels (Glycolic, Pumpkin, Alpha Hydroxy, Salicylic Acid)

• Laser Facials, both ablative and non-ablative, including Fraxel, Co2, and IPL laser treatments 

• Exfoliation and retinol products


• Any brow shaping using waxing should be completed at least 2 days before the procedure. However if you do not normally have your eyebrows shaped-no worries! We'll clean and shape them for you the day of your appointment!

• If you normally tint your brows, please do so 1 week in advance.

• Be cautious when in the sun prior to your appointment. As your skin exfoliates from a tan or sunburn, it will take the tattoo pigment with it. If you arrive with signs of sun exposure, we will unfortunately have to reschedule your appointment and you will forfeit your deposit.

aftercare information

pre-care information

aftercare information


aftercare information

Limit hot showers to 5 minutes (or take lukewarm showers) as to not create too much steam, which will push pigment out of your brows. Wash your hair at the end of your shower to keep your face/brows from being wet for too long. 

Laser treatments over the microbladed area (fraxel,IPL,etc) as they can destroy pigments. Use of antibiotics and hormonal therapy can lead to faster pigment fading. Always protect your new brows from the sun with SPF (once they have finished peeling).

Sunbathing/ direct sun exposure (wear a hat to protect brows until they are done peeling), light therapy, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and creams containing regeneration factors.

Apply ointment as needed if brows feel tight and dry. Remember to use a small amount (the size of half a grain of rice). Clients with oily skin may not even need to reapply the ointment. Avoid all products other than ointment (including makeup) on the eyebrow area, working out, saunas, facials/facial massage, steaming, and sleeping on the brows (also- be sure to use a clean pillowcase).

We will provide you an aftercare kit. Use a brow wipe to thoroughly clean the treated area. Skin is well cleansed when there are no traces of pigment on the wipe. Wait a few seconds for skin to dry after wiping, then apply a very thin layer of the ointment. Repeat process as directed by your artist.

DO NOT PICK OR SCRATCH your new brows! DO NOT attempt to pick at flaking brows, or you will scarring and lifting pigment from your skin.

pre-care information

aftercare information

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